Eco-Art Camps

Registration is OPEN for our Winter and Spring Eco-Art Day Camps for 5-10 years old! Your child will experience nature while learning about science and art.
Holiday Gifts

Give the gift of adventure! Shop our online store for Artist Boat Logo Items and our New Holiday Gift Packages that include Kayak Adventures.
Be a Sea Citizen

Learn how to be an Artist Boat Volunteer through out Sea Citizens program. Help restore our beautiful coastal prairies, write thank you cards, or help with events.
Join our Newsletter

Want to keep up to date on our latest happenings or be alerted about Artist Boat events, contests, and education program registration openings! Join the newsletter!
Open Workdays at the Coastal Heritage Preserve
Join us at the Artist Boat Coastal Heritage Preserve for Open Workdays. Typical tasks performed are site-based landscaping at one of several educational or public sites on the preserve along with minor maintenance at these sites. Help us restore these wetlands & coastal prairies to their natural beauty and enjoy spending time in this exclusive natural area of Galveston.
Register for Sea Citizen Orientation
Artist Boat is currently recruiting passionate individuals who will volunteer to assist in maintaining the Coastal Heritage Preserve, educating the public, hosting outreach events and booths, hosting fundraising events, or helping out around the office.
Sea Citizens are a regular force of specialized volunteers at the Artist Boat Headquarters & on the Coastal Heritage Preserve. Most Sea Citizens will have specific jobs and/or tasks that they oversee either weekly, monthly, or on another regular schedule as needed. The average Sea Citizen volunteers for 4-8 hours per month.
Project S.I.T. (Seawall Interpretive Trail)
Beautifying 70 Galveston Seawall Benches into Educational Works of Art

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Thank you to our major partners whose support makes our work possible